

Premiere on February 2022 at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theater black box

Propelled along by a thrilling soundtrack, 72 Days blurs the boundaries between performance, choreography and theatre. With eleven young performers and no dialogue, it creates a spectrum of vibrant but fleeting images that capture diverse aspects of female experience on the stage. A constantly transforming visual exploration that blends images of luxury and desire, of work and wasteful consumerism, of isolation and displacement. How can Gen Z find their place in today’s world without despairing, in the face of crises that threaten their future?

The title 72 Days refers both to the length of our journey ­– how long we spent rehearsing – and the daring round-the-world trip taken by American journalist Nelly Bly in 1889 in a successful attempt to break Jules Verne’s fictional record. Nothing in this concert of bodies is ever linear, everything is in flux. On our journey, the world always turns faster than the travelers can keep up with.

Authors and directors: Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo
Body dramaturgy: Giacomo Veronesi
On the stage: Liisa Saaremäel, Keithy Kuuspu, Kristiin Räägel (Tallinn City Theater) and students of the 31st flight of the EMTA performing arts department Alice Siil, Astra Irene Susi, Emili Rohumaa, Hanna Brigita Jaanovits, Hele-Riin Palumaa, Kristin Prits, Kristina Preimann, Lauren Grinberg. 

72 day