Works as a maker

offroad knislinge
OFFROAD: Knislinge (2024)
A sitespefic walk in Knislinge through freshly invented paths

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More is more
More is More (2024)
A physical performance

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scream box
is a concert-performance that focuses on tiny vocal cords and big screams

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Home stage
Estonian Pavilion in Venice Architecture Biennale 2023

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private party
Private Party (2022)
is a voyeristic video piece inspired by the everlasting identity crisis of botanical gardens.

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Destination Unknown 12hmr
Destination Unknown 12hmr (2022)
A site- and time-specific community-based performance with 22 graduates of Rakvere High School of Sciences. 

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Body Slam
Body Slam / ihu ramm (2022)
Two women, uninterested in achieving security neither on stage nor in the social sphere, explore the relationship between material and body, giving fragility a form.

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Body Slam Summer Edition
Body Slam: Summer Edition (2022)
Public space performance based on Body Slam.

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Tiny Home Production presents: LARGER-THAN-LIFE (2021)
a site-specific open-air performance, set in the area of Paljassaare Garage Cooperation

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il pavimento
Il Pavimento (2021)
A durational action in Melpignano town square which explores the domestic female labour by taking it from indoor space to a public sphere.

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tiny home theatre
Tiny Home Theatre Production present(2020)
a solo performance inspired by a myth about Persephone

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Liisa Saaremael
Liisa Saaremäel
Liisa Saaremael