Liisa Saaremäel is a performance artist from Tallinn, Estonia. After earning a BA in Acting from the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre (EAMT), she joined the Estonian Drama Theatre, where she worked 2016-2020 as an ensemble member. After obtaining an MA degree in Contemporary Physical Performance Making (CPPM) in EAMT, she is currently working as a freelance artist in Estonia and internationally. Her practice focuses on societal co-existence from an individual’s perspective, in which compressed space is an essential poetic component.Her works often exit conventional performance spaces and ways of creating to explore in-between areas in performing arts. Site-specificity and community-based approach characterize her process design which is also visible in her artistic outcome.

Liisa recently created a concert-performance “SCREAM BOX” (2023) in Kanuti Guild Hall, where she focused on tiny voice box and huge screams and site-specific performance “Destination Unknown 12hmr” (2022) in collaboration with Emer Värk, that premiered in Baltoscandal Festival and brought together the actual graduates of high school by the re-enactment of their actual graduation party that took place few weeks before the performance. Besides her own artistic projects Liisa has taken part as a performer in many theatre pieces, lately in Pasolini’s “Theorem” (2022) by Juhan Ulfsak in Estonian Drama Theatre.

She has been nominated 6 times to Annual Awards of Estonian Theatre and won in 2022 the prize of best performance art piece with her site-specific performance “Tiny Home Production presents: LARGER-THAN-LIFE” (2021) that took place in the Garage Cooperation in Paljassaare, Tallinn. In 2024 she was awarded with Ants Lauter prize for outstanding work in performance field. 

Liisa Saaremael
Liisa Saaremäel
Liisa Saaremael