Tiny Home Production presents:

Premiere on 4 June 2021 in Paljassaare Garaažilinnak

Tiny is not just small.
It’s down-scaled. baby
Tiny in its screaming reduced form
carries the memory of the size of its comparables.

Tiny spaces: you can store your things there without systematising – bottom drawers, under the bed, shed, the trunk of the car, glovebox, make-up bag, some areas in your wallet, backpack, pockets, school lockers, basements, garages and sometimes your entire home. They are like volcanoes, holding in your warm disorder. Unimportant, of no consequence, not worth bothering about, not worth mentioning.

“Tiny Home Production presents: Larger-than-life” is a site-specific open-air performance, set in the area of Paljassaare Garage Cooperation: a vast grid of unnamed streets, 1300 numbered garage boxes stand next to each other like a city within a city. A garage is positioned somewhere between a functional, creative and secret space, each an intimate spatial portrait of the person who uses it. The seemingly homogenous garage complex is a time-space where every past meets its future, where dreams are either racked up, thrown out or dismantled and turned into tokens of faith, a tiny feeling.

A tiny feeling: when you start loving because they chose you. When the culmination of your life is being devoured on the meadow, after which you find yourself happily coupled. Tiny offers a great life. Not worth bothering about, not worth mentioning.

“Tiny Home Production presents: Larger-than-life” is a performance co-produced by Uue Loomingu Maja and Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.

Concept and directing: Liisa Saaremäel 
Scenography Emer Värk 
Dramaturgy Maria Arusoo 
Sound Design Hendrik Kaljujärv 
Lighting Design Mikk-Mait Kivi 
Costume Design Helina Risti
Performers: Christopher Rajaveer, Aleksander Eelmaa, Anatoli Tafitsuk, Liisa Saaremäel



Annual Award of Estonian Theatre 2022 in performance art