where do we go from here?



Premiered and performed: 01.09.2020 19:00 - 5.09.2020 22:00

Directors: Simona Gonella (Italy) ja Peader Kirk (UK)
Creators-performers: students from MA in Contemporary Physical Performance Making (CPPM): Agnes Oberauer (Austria), Iveta Pole (Latvia), Joonas Tagel (Estonia), Keithy Kuuspu (Estonia), Lea Sekulic (Croatia), Liisa Saaremäel (Estonia), Marshall Stay (Australia), Martina Buhagiar (Malta), Paolo Panizza (Italy), Ragnar Uustal (Estonia), Seren Oroszvary (Australia), Simona Medolago (Italy), SeoHwon Ji (South-Korea), Sylvia Köster (Estonia) and Giacomo Veronesi (Itaalia). Assistant Director: Giacomo Veronesi (Italy)
Designer: Emer Värk (Estonia)
Composer: Eduardo Agni (Brazil)
Lighting Designer: Priidu Adlas (Estonia)
Sound: Raido Linkmann (Estonia)
Video: Mikk-Mait Kivi (Estonia)
Costume: Moonika Lausvee (Estonia)
Project Management: **Maarja Kalmre **
Producers: **Jüri Nael ja Liina Jääts **
Co-producers: Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Kanuti Gildi SAAL, eˉlektron

After this moment ... or still in this moment.
This long moment we are living in and living through.
The moment. Here and now, changing every second, different for each person.
Whatever it means, wherever it takes us … this moment asks questions.
How do we get together, who are with us, how do we share what we have. Together.
We don’t propose any easy answers but we want to struggle with the question.
We feel the need to explore, to dig in with you. We need to exhaust ourselves in this digging, this diving in. Because there is work to be done.
99 hours.
Being together, searching, establishing connection and staying connected, giving and receiving, watching, perceiving, listening. Non-stop.
99 hours.
We walk on the edge happy to never say we’re done. Never say we are not done. Never say the game is over.
We will perform for you non-stop. No let up. No giving in. A marathon. Never stop, never stop.
99 hours.
We keep going, but you are free to come and go.
Come and visit. Come and stay. Stay for as long or as short a time as you like. Come and see. Come and stay. Come and share.
Please be our guest.
